Friday, December 10, 2010

Mustache I'd Like to Fly On

Some important things have become very apparent to me today. First, you do not realize how hard it is to photoshop with mustaches. A mustache is not just one item with an outline. A mustache is hundreds of individual whiskers, and, just like democracy and children, every one must be respected. Second, I am blessed with many extraordinary friends, and many of them have been extremely generous this past month as I have been fundraising for classroom projects via Mustaches 4 Kids and Donors Choose. Today's MILFO post is a big, stache-felt "Thank you!" to my many lovely and loving donors. I am tickled and humbled by the explosive responses, especially of the last few days.

We are not quite done yet, though. There are still important classroom projects to be funded, and as much as I wish that I could fly over the city in a magical triumvirate of some of history's greatest mustaches as I hunt down flying sacks of money to make sure every school has the funding they need, this simply is not possible outside of the fantasy world of this blog. Just as sad is the fact that schools can't spend this fantasy money in our real world, no matter how many bags I email them. You, however, can use the internet to help some very special classroom projects get the funding they need. Simply follow the link below and choose a project you deem worthy of your generosity. Thank you.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Simon Peggataur

Oh, Simon, you are so dreamy! Sometimes, it's not enough for me to simply idolize your adorable smile and disarming candor from afar. Sometimes I think, as funny and charming and brilliant as you are, that you might be even more dreamy if you had a pegasus for an "arse," as you would say. Simon, don't take this the wrong way, but I would pegusarse you all day. I have found many pictures of you on the internet, and many pictures of horses and of things with wings. This leads me to my next point. Simon, I would like to ride you after you have been pegusarsed. I think it is only fair, after I have given you such an amazing gift, for you to return the favor and carry me through the starry wonderland that is the dreamsky I see every time I imagine the place where I will ride you. Some day, my Simon, our dreams will be as one!