At first I worried about what I could say about Space Pandas that has not been said before. They are one of the most written about types of pandas in the Universe, and yet (or perhaps because of this) there are still many misconceptions.
For instance, space pandas are often depicted with antennae on their space bowls, however real space pandas don't need antennae and anyway they look dumb. Also, the bowl is not for breathing, per se, but it does retain some air which allows the space panda to sing to itself, which many of them enjoy.
For instance, space pandas are often depicted with antennae on their space bowls, however real space pandas don't need antennae and anyway they look dumb. Also, the bowl is not for breathing, per se, but it does retain some air which allows the space panda to sing to itself, which many of them enjoy.
If you are hoping to ride a space panda, you should first practice by riding a regular panda and imagining you are in space. If this goes well, then the next step is typically to go to space. While space pandas sometimes visit Earth, they find the climate generally muggy. They already sweat profusely in space, which they use as a sort of propulsion system, and so, on Earth they often appear to be miserable and much thinner because their fur gets so soggy. It is therefur advisable to pad your harness with a very large towel if you plan on entering atmospheres with more than 10% water vapor.
Finally, remember to treat your space panda with respect. They are not bears. They are overgrown space raccoons. There is a difference.
ReplyDeleteSpace Pandas are the ultimate MILFO.
Some people disagree, and say in fact the ultimate MILFO is the Intergalactic Llama.