Monday, November 7, 2011

Mighty Kangaroos

You know what’s problematic when you’re flying on a mount? The wind is constantly tugging at your belongings like a ferocious two-year old on a sugar-high who happens to be made of wind.

This is the root of the appeal for flying on mighty kangaroos, they have a place to put things.


The magic capes that grant them flight also serve as large pouches in which to carry your belongings, such as family heirloom timepieces, safe from the wind’s metaphoric candy-and-slobber-coated grubby grabbers.

“But, what about keeping things in the pouch in front?” You might ask? Well, sirs and madams, that pouch is NOT for your half-wrapped taffies, discarded lollies and crumpled light reading.

That pouch is for BABIES.

And also, that is where you ride the mighty kangaroo, by the mighty kangaroo’s good graces only. Given the high honor of being borne aloft by one of these magical mommies, it would be unconscionably rude to do anything that might tarnish her majestic pocket pelt.

Respect kangaroo customs and place your shoes and any other hard, dirty, and/or precious belongings in the capesack as you step into the pouch. Remove any riding gear with protruding snaps or buttons and do your best to stand away from the mighty mommy’s tender teats. Also remember, before entering the pouch one should always say “please,” and upon disembarking one should say “thank you, mommy” before reclaiming one’s belongings. By displaying these simple courtesies you will secure both your belongings and your reputation among the MILFO community.

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