Saturday, November 6, 2010

Eggnog Latte

Ihadaneggnoglattejustnowandgoodnessamiflying. I try to avoid caffeine, but I just can't pass up an eggnog latte. I wish I could fly over a sea of eggnog latte on an inflatable pool raft in a giant mug of eggnog latte with a more reasonably sized eggnog latte in the cup holder. I wished this so hard that I spent an hour of my life making a picture of this dream so that you could share in the majesty. We won't both fit on the raft, but we can take turns hanging from the giant mug's handle by our knees as we skim the surface of Lake Eggnog and bask in the vapors as our fingertips leave trails in the nutmeg-dusted peaks of foam. Can you smell the seasonal awesome?If your imagination isn't up to the task, you can bring 6 or 7 gallons of eggnog to my apartment and I will start filling the bathtub with coffee.


  1. From Sam the Eagle:
    "Enough! This is just getting ridiculous! and UN-AMERICAN! Who ever heard of flying eggnog, let alone a flying Latte?? I must put an end to this preposterous silliness.... Enough! Get back to real MILFOs... like the noble Eagle... Now THAT'S American! Hrmm... yes."

  2. It has eagle wings, though, taken from an eagle in a fistfight with another eagle, what could be more American?
