Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran Eagle

This blog has been accused of being un-American. Well, that simply is not true. MILFO is the most American blog of its kind. MILFO is about working hard to achieve your dreams, dreams of one day riding on the back of a flying animal, and we proudly thank those men and women who have served in the armed forces to protect our rights and dreams. This MILFO is in honor of my grandfather, Grampy, who was a sailor in the US Navy. He and the other veterans who hung out in their basement office at the local air field really loved emailing pictures of boobies to each other. That is why John Wayne is riding an eagle in front of boobies painted to look like the American flag. You too can show your support for our veterans by emailing them these boobies, because there are probably very few U.S. veterans who do not like John Wayne, eagles, and/or boobies.

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