Thursday, November 4, 2010


My sweet, sweet sugar MILFO, this must be love, the real kind, the kind you can spend. We'd glide over to the Champs Elysées, get all that designer bling my last mount said added too much encumbrance. We knew they were just making excuses. They just didn't have what it takes, but sugar MILFO, you don't give a damn about encumbrance. Other MILFO's say you don't even fly, but they just hatin'. Yeah, we glide, right past the line and on into first class. What's that? You want to ride on my head this time? Well, you paid for this A|X fedora in cash, so if you wanna sit on it, go for it. Heck, you can even have yourself a little satin cushion installed by an albino Moroccan haberdasher. I always wanted to go to Morocco on someone else's tab.


  1. It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios!

  2. sugar milfo has more money that physics.
