Sunday, November 7, 2010

Good Luck Marathon Dragon

Happy Marathon Sunday!
This MILFO is for our fans running in the marathon today on lucky 11/7. Boy, I bet you wish you were riding a luck dragon right about now. Jesus doesn't have to wish, though. He can just fly right up to you around the 20-mile-mark and effortlessly give you a super lucky high five. Boy, thanks, Jesus! Now I bet you are so full of triumph you can barely feel the swollen chain of dysfunction that is all your moving parts. Hopefully someone is jogging next to you with an iPad so you can enjoy this post while you run. After the race, you will be too knackered to read, and when you wake up, you will only want to forget, but right now, you have Jesus, Falcor, and some lunatic with an iPad to help you through this masochistic tour de force.

We are all so proud of you!

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