Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Flying Hippo

From the reader who suggested I use today's source photo: "If only to observe its wings work hard enough to provide the required lift. Cursory research has informed me that while hippos can weigh up to 8,000 lbs., they have a maximum top speed of 18 mph. Pretty impressive, no? Also, as I'm sure you already knew, the Hippo is one of the most dangerous (to humans) animals in an ecosystem crowded with alpha-predators. Further research tells me that hippos routinely spray [poopies](ed.) on each other when fighting for mates. I would be proud to ride this burly, winged, [poopies]-spraying bastard into battle."
Well, I hope our reader is tickled by this fantastic likeness of him atop his majestic mount, but for the sake of his mates, we hope he can keep the [poopies] in.

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